Apprentice researchers

Apprentice researchers

Éléonore Liang and Naomie L’Archevêque-Carrière are two students in Natural sciences from the Séminaire de Sherbrooke who did a one-week internship in the lab. For their project, they did mouse dissection, organ powder and western blot under the supervision of Jessica and Inès. We wish 

BioChem Club

BioChem Club

Last night, it was the BioChem Club! This meeting gives the opportunity to several students of the Biochemistry program to vulgarize a scientific article. Jessica and Inès were among the 6 students who presented at the Club last night. Jessica presented an article on aging: 

Our new toy

Our new toy

Recently, the lab did the acquisition of the new iBright for DNA and protein analysis. Today, we had our training and everybody was excited… especially when imaging gummy bears!   Everybody did good (= they did not break the machine!) so we celebrated with a 

The maternity is open!

The maternity is open!

We are proud to announce that we welcomed our first babies today! 🙂   



Some bulk news: The name of the department has changed! It is now Department of Biochemistry and Functional Genomics. This new denomination covers better the overall research of the different labs within the department The department has recruited a new bioinformatician: Dr Mariano Avino. Welcome 

Farewell – Micah

Farewell – Micah

Today was the last day of Micah in the lab. We went to the restaurant to celebrate the end of his first internship! Micah, we wish you the best of luck for the future!  

Micah at work

Micah at work

First lab experience for Micah! Mouse dissection, quantitative PCR, western blot, cloning and… bench cleaning! 🙂  

Farewell – Jessica and Inès

Farewell – Jessica and Inès

Jessica and Ines have finished their internship but will be back in January to start their Master! Ines went back to France on July 24. We did a “au revoir” party at the restaurant with the Roucou lab.   Jessica went back to Mexico on 

Lab photos

Lab photos

For the lab archives, photos of the group on July 1st 2020 !  

Québec, here we come again!

Québec, here we come again!

Few months ago, Javier and I went to Québec to collect samples on the aging mouse cohort of the “Quebec research on aging network”. Today, here we go again but this time, we brought Jessica with us! We had a lot of mice to dissect 

Joint lab meeting

Joint lab meeting

Big brainstorming yesterday! We had joint meeting with the laboratories of Mélanie Plourde and Marc-Antoine Lauzon. Fabien Piferri, a visiting professor this summer, also joined our discussions. After our joint meeting, we celebrated the Master graduation of Anita and enjoyed the summer weather in Mélanie’s 

We love RNA !

We love RNA !

Oh Javi…