Our team consists of international scientists with experience in diverse research backgrounds. The Laurent lab offers the perfect multi-disciplinary environment to push the boundaries of your scientific creativity.
Highly motivated and enthusiastic students interested in joining our lab are encouraged to contact Dr. Benoit Laurent by email. The lab is always looking for talented and driven post-doctoral fellows with interest and experience in biochemistry, cellular & molecular biology, stem cell biology, neurosciences, epigenetics, RNA biology, aging, and related fields. To apply, prospective candidates should email the following to Dr. Benoit Laurent:
- a cover letter describing research interests and motivation for joining our lab
- a CV with a list of publications and contact information of two or three referees
Université de Sherbrooke
Faculté de Médecine et des Sciences de la Santé
Pavillon de Santé de Précision et de Recherche Translationnelle
3001 12eme Avenue Nord | Bureau Z10-3055
Sherbrooke, Québec J1H5H4 (Canada)
Tel : (819) 821-8000
Benoit L. | ext 72193 | Office Z10-3055
Students | ext 70836 | Office Z10-3020
| ext 72181 | Lab Z10-3018