Maclean’s ranking 2020

Maclean’s annually ranks the major Canadian institutions with medical schools. This year, the University of Sherbrooke (UdeS) comes in 13th place in the ranking of Universities which have a broad range of Ph.D programs, research and a medical school. For the details of the ranking, it’s here.
In this same ranking, we can see that UdeS is 1st for student satisfaction… and this for the 4th consecutive year! UdeS comes first for 6 of the 10 criteria used to measure student satisfaction (student services, learning and methods, …). For those who do not know the city of Sherbrooke, it offers an exceptional environment to pursue studies. When students need a break between their classes, the main campus of the University is backed by Mont-Bellevue where they can do activities like skiing and snowshoeing.