Scientific day – CNS
The CNS (Center of excellence in Neuroscience at the université de Sherbrooke) was created in 2006. The CNS plays a fundamental and structuring role within the university research community in Sherbrooke, setting a good example in terms of translational and interdisciplinary research. The CNS brings together nearly 45 researchers and 200 graduate students and research professionals.
On December 6-7, the 10th edition of the CNS scientific day was held at Orford Music, a lovely place isolated in the forest in the national park of Mont-Orford. Social activities started in the early afternoon… outside! Teams were randomly made to promote interactions between CNS members. I had the pleasure to team up with Charlie, Yesmine and Jasmeen! Despite my cast, we performed pretty well in the two first games – noughts and crosses inspired game and blindfolded game.

Then we had the big game: a hunt for clues in the forest! The clues were not easy to find but we succeeded to take our final photo in a good time. After all these different challenges, we scored second (on 7 teams) and each member of our team won 2 movie theater tickets! 🙂

The rest of the night : food, drinks and dance!

The next day (December 7) was the official CNS scientific day. Students and professors presented their research and we had the pleasure to listen to our guest of honor Vladimir Hachinski, Professor of Neurology at Western University. Pr Hachinski has transformed the understanding, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the two greatest threats to the brain: stroke and dementia. He co-discovered a link between Alzheimer’s and stroke and introduced a new clinical diagnosis tool, the Hachinski Ischemic Score, for identifying the treatable components of dementia. His pioneering work on the brain is an example and inspiration to the scientific community. To the young scientists, he also gave some advice to finding a path and vocation in the scientific realm.