Happy Birthday Joannie !
Today was Joannie’s birthday! We celebrated with a piña colada cake et some beers! Happy birthday Joannie!
Today was Joannie’s birthday! We celebrated with a piña colada cake et some beers! Happy birthday Joannie!
Last night for our monthly joint lab party with the Roucou lab, we decided to take a Zumba class! We are very lucky because Marie from the Roucou lab is a Zumba instructor ! So we all met downtown Sherbrooke at the studio but what a …
The Research Center on Aging was organizing today a barbecue to celebrate the beginning of summer! All the lab members were here!
Few months ago, Javier and I went to Québec to collect samples on the aging mouse cohort of the “Quebec research on aging network”. Today, here we go again but this time, we brought Jessica with us! We had a lot of mice to dissect …
Yesterday, I was invited for a 10 min interview at the morning show on Radio Canada – Ici Estrie. Compared to my previous interview with Radio VM, this one was live at high audience time so my stress level was “slightly” higher! Everything went well, …
Welcome to Joannie St-Germain and Micah Scott! Joannie is our new research assistant and lab manager. Micah Scott is doing a 3-month summer internship in the lab. His first lab experience ever!
Big brainstorming yesterday! We had joint meeting with the laboratories of Mélanie Plourde and Marc-Antoine Lauzon. Fabien Piferri, a visiting professor this summer, also joined our discussions. After our joint meeting, we celebrated the Master graduation of Anita and enjoyed the summer weather in Mélanie’s …
Yesterday, I had the great pleasure to participate to the 8th edition of the Scientific Day “Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular Complications (DOCC)”. This annual meeting is part of the activities dedicated to dissemination, enhancement and transfer of knowledge from this research field to stimulate constructive …
After almost 6 months of winter, we were so so happy to enjoy our first lunch time outside the building! 🙂
What a surprise when I arrived in the students office this morning! Thank you guys for reminding me how old I am! 🙂